Brittex Appraisal Services, Inc. - List of Residential Appraisal Clients ‐ As of 01/201 9 A & D Mortgage, LLC | FEMBI | Accusured / FBC Mortgage | Fifth Third Bank | AllegianceBank | First National Bank of South Miami | Apollo Bank | Flagstar Bank | Assurant | Florida Community Bank | BAC Florida Bank | Gibraltar Bank | Biscayne Bank | Goldman Sachs Bank | BNY Mellon, N.A. | Helm Bank | Breeze Funding, Inc. (Streetlinks) | Highland Residential Mortgage | CES / Total Bank | IberiaBank | Centennial Bank | International Finance Bank | Citadel Servicing Corporation | JetStream Financial (FCU) | City First Mortgage Corp ISAOA | JPMorgan Chase | City National Bank (TotalBank) | Power Financial (FCU) | CMG Capital | Professional Bank | Cushman & Wakefield & Pacific Nat'l DB Private Wealth Mortgage Ltd. | Seaside Nat'l Bank & Trust | Eastern Financial Mortgage Corporation | Spectrum Mortgage | Embassy National Bank | Vaster Capital LLC | Espirito Santo Plaza | Waterstone Mortgage | Executive National Bank | Yale Mortgage Funding, LLC | Note: Britt J. Rosen, CCIM is a State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser RZ1858, and has performed numerous residential and commercial appraisals in south Florida. He is Past President of the CCIM Miami-Dade District (2016-2017). Britt is also a Practicing Affiliate of the Appraisal Institute. His clients include: Realtors, CPA’s, attorneys, corporations, governmental agencies. Britt is also expert in litigation testimony having has testified in over 32 court cases in either state and/or federal court in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Additional real estate appraisal references and a case history log as expert is available upon request at